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Structures are any elements that can be placed on a map and assigned to a cell or cell side.

Tier Page Cost Size Processes Produces ID
1 Small hut 1 x 1 100 Grass, 10 Sticks 15
1 Gatherers shack 2 x 1 20 Sticks, 10 Wood Grass, Cereal, Bark, roots and sprouts, Fruits, Vegetables, Hot region fruits Grass, Cereal grain, Bark, roots and sprouts, Fruits, Vegetables, Hot region fruits 16
1 Bakers simple oven 1 x 1 10 Sticks, 10 Wood, 6 Cutted stone Fire wood, Flour Bread 20
1 Hand mill 1 x 1 4 Sticks, 2 Wood, 2 Cutted stone Cereal grain Flour 30
1 Fishing place 1 x 1 6 Sticks, 2 Wood Flour, Vegetables, Trout Raw meat, Minor aquatic organisms 40
1 Foresters stump 1 x 1 - Leaves, Wood, Sticks, Mushrooms Leaves, Wood, Sticks, Mushrooms 19
1 Simple stonemason 1 x 1 6 Sticks, 3 Wood Raw stone Cutted stone 31
2 Hunters hut 3 x 2 100 Grass, 60 Sticks, 80 Wood, 40 Cutted stone Animals Leather, Wool, Raw meat 21
2 Simple pottery 2 x 2 10 Plank, 2 Rag, 20 Sticks, 20 Wood, 10 Cutted stone Fire wood, Water Pottery 66
2 Simple barn 2 x 1 4 Plank, 40 Grass, 30 Sticks, 20 Wood Grass, Leaves, Bark, roots and sprouts, Water Raw meat, Wool, Milk, Leather 27
2 Well 1 x 1 1 Plank, 4 Sticks, 5 Wood, 10 Cutted stone Water Water 35
3 Farm 3 x 2 100 Sticks, 10 Rag, 40 Plank, 80 Wood, 200 Grass Fruits, Hot region fruits, Grass, Bark, roots and sprouts, Cereal, Water, Dirt Fruits, Hot region fruits, Grass, Bark, roots and sprouts, Cereal grain 37
3 Fishery 3 x 2 80 Sticks, 60 Wood, 40 Plank, 8 Stone block Flour, Vegetables, Trout Minor aquatic organisms, Raw meat 82
3 Foresters hut 2 x 2 40 Wood, 20 Plank, 40 Grass, 10 Cutted stone, 6 Stone block, 3 Furniture Leaves, Wood, Mushrooms, Sticks Leaves, Wood, Mushrooms, Sticks 70
3 Simple smelter 2 x 1 10 Sticks, 20 Wood, 2 Rag, 20 Cutted stone Copper ore, Wood, Lead ore, Tin ore Copper bar, Lead bar, Tin bar 44
4 Bloomery 2 x 1 10 Sticks, 20 Wood, 2 Rag, 20 Cutted stone Iron ore, Coal Iron bar 79
4 Glassworks 2 x 2 10 Wood, 20 Plank, 4 Rag, 10 Stone block, 10 Cutted stone, 80 Pottery Fire wood, Wood, Coal, Cutted stone, Lead bar Glasswork 81
4 Stonemason's shop 2 x 2 100 Sticks, 10 Rag, 100 Wood, 50 Plank, 10 Cutted stone Raw stone, Cutted stone, Stone block Cutted stone, Stone block, Stone work 14
5 Big barn 2 x 2 30 Wood, 40 Grass, 20 Cutted stone, 4 Stone block, 2 Furniture Grass, Cereal grain, Leaves, Water Wool, Leather, Milk, Raw meat 69
5 Deep well 1 x 1 4 Plank, 10 Cutted stone, 2 Bronze part, 12 Stone block Water Water 71
1 Sawing place 1 x 1 8 Sticks, 8 Wood, 1 Cutted stone Wood, Sticks Fire wood, Plank 58
1 Rudimentary tailoring table 1 x 1 10 Sticks, 15 Grass, 10 Wood Grass, Wool, Leather, Rag Rag, Basic clothes 28
2 Open dairy production 1 x 1 10 Sticks, 20 Wood, 12 Cutted stone Milk Dairy product 29
3 Carpenter's workshop 2 x 2 20 Sticks, 40 Wood, 10 Plank, 40 Grass, 8 Cutted stone Plank Furniture 63
3 Bakery 2 x 2 30 Sticks, 40 Wood, 20 Cutted stone, 20 Plank Flour, Fire wood, Raw meat Bread, Meat in batter 64
3 Coppers and bronze forge 2 x 2 20 Sticks, 50 Wood, 20 Plank, 4 Rag, 30 Cutted stone Copper bar, Tin bar, Wood Bronze part, Bronze tool 45
4 Charcoal pile 3 x 3 80 Sticks, 10 Wood, 6 Cutted stone Wood, Sticks, Leaves, Grass Coal 47
4 Dairy production 2 x 2 10 Sticks, 20 Wood, 12 Cutted stone Milk Dairy product 65
4 Iron forge 2 x 2 10 Stone block, 50 Wood, 20 Plank, 4 Rag, 4 Bronze part, 40 Cutted stone Iron bar, Coal, Quality clothes Iron part, Iron tool, Iron weapon 78
5 Sawmill 4 x 3 100 Sticks, 10 Rag, 200 Wood, 100 Plank, 100 Stones, 10 Bronze part Wood Fire wood, Plank 59
5 Water mill 4 x 3 100 Sticks, 6 Leather, 6 Rag, 200 Wood, 100 Cutted stone, 6 Bronze part Cereal grain Flour 13
5 Windmill 5 x 5 200 Sticks, 60 Rag, 200 Wood, 60 Plank, 20 Cutted stone Cereal grain Flour 57
6 Dressmaker 2 x 2 40 Sticks, 200 Grass, 50 Wood, 30 Plank, 10 Cutted stone Practical clothes, Rag, Bronze part, Iron part Quality clothes, Fancy clothes 80
2 Small cabin 2 x 2 10 Plank, 4 Rag, 100 Grass, 30 Wood, 2 Cutted stone 0
3 Big cabin 2 x 2 80 Wool, 4 Rag, 2 Bronze part, 100 Wood, 80 Cutted stone 3
6 Residency 2 x 2 40 Pottery, 8 Stone work, 4 Quality clothes, 10 Furniture, 60 Plank, 30 Stone block 77
none Big burrow 1 x 1 33
1 Fireplace 2 x 2 10 Wood Raw meat, Fire wood, Bread, Dairy product, Fruits, Hot region fruits, Mushrooms, Vegetables Cooked meat 22
2 Community centre 3 x 4 80 Wood, 80 Cutted stone, 200 Grass, 50 Sticks, 10 Rag 38
2 Guild house 2 x 2 80 Wood, 20 Cutted stone, 20 Plank, 100 Sticks, 10 Pottery 83
2 Cesspit 1 x 1 6 Wood, 2 Plank, 12 Sticks Dirt Dirt 62
3 Shrine 1 x 1 10 Cutted stone, 10 Pottery, 1 Bronze part, 10 Bread 72
3 Market place 5 x 3 20 Wood, 10 Cutted stone, 60 Grass, 60 Sticks, 10 Rag Tradeable items Tradeable items 41
3 Taproom 2 x 2 80 Wood, 80 Cutted stone, 10 Rag, 50 Sticks Cereal, Fruits, Milk, Water 34
4 Wash house 2 x 2 20 Sticks, 20 Wood, 20 Plank, 8 Rag, 10 Cutted stone, 4 Furniture Dirt Hygiene 68
4 Church 2 x 2 60 Pottery, 20 Stone work, 4 Quality clothes, 20 Furniture, 60 Plank, 10 Bronze jewellery Bread, Honey and wax Church services 73
4 Hearty kitchen 3 x 2 80 Wood, 10 Bronze part, 80 Cutted stone, 2 Bronze tool, 10 Rag Raw meat, Fire wood, Bread, Dairy product, Fruits, Meat in batter, Mushrooms, Vegetables Cooked meat 51
5 Monastery 3 x 2 60 Pottery, 20 Stone work, 4 Quality clothes, 20 Furniture, 60 Plank, 10 Bronze jewellery Bread Blessing 74
7 Dome 4 x 3 600 Pottery, 200 Stone work, 40 Quality clothes, 200 Furniture, 600 Plank, 60 Bronze jewellery Bread, Honey and wax Church services 75
7 Big bathhouse 3 x 3 400 Pottery, 300 Stone work, 60 Quality clothes, 100 Furniture, 400 Plank, 500 Stone block Dirt Bath 76
none Mushroom circle 3 x 3 - Water, Dirt Mushrooms, Grass 54
none Material place 1 x 1 - 32
none Map transition 1 x 1 - 39
none Food crate 1 x 1 1 Wood 53
none Ancient tree 3 x 3 2 Bark, roots and sprouts Water, Dirt Sticks, Fruits, Leaves, Bark, roots and sprouts 55
none Altar 1 x 1 Raw meat 56
none Weir 1 x 1 20 Sticks, 8 Wood, 4 Plank, 4 Cutted stone 61
none Quarry 1 x 1 Raw stone 42
none Stones 1 x 1 Raw stone 11
none Copper deposit 1 x 1 Copper ore 43
none Iron deposit 1 x 1 Iron ore 48
none Lead deposit 1 x 1 Lead ore 67
none Tin deposit 1 x 1 Tin ore 46
none Combinations 1 x 1 - 8
none Waterfall 1 x 1 - 10
none Spring 1 x 1 23
none Plain 1 x 1 - 9
none Outflow 1 x 1 - 26
none Inflow 1 x 1 - 25
3 Tailors shop 2 x 2 40 Sticks, 200 Grass, 50 Wood, 30 Plank, 10 Cutted stone Grass, Wool, Leather, Rag, Basic clothes Rag, Basic clothes, Practical clothes 60
Broadleaf 1 x 1 2 Bark, roots and sprouts Water, Dirt Sticks, Wood, Mushrooms, Leaves, Bark, roots and sprouts 1
Conifer 1 x 1 2 Bark, roots and sprouts Water, Dirt Sticks, Wood, Mushrooms, Leaves, Bark, roots and sprouts 2
Wild wheat 1 x 1 2 Bark, roots and sprouts Water, Dirt Grass, Cereal 12
Fruit tree 1 x 1 2 Bark, roots and sprouts Water, Dirt Fruits, Sticks, Wood, Mushrooms, Leaves, Bark, roots and sprouts 17
Wheat field 1 x 1 2 Bark, roots and sprouts Water, Dirt Grass, Cereal 52
Palm 1 x 1 2 Bark, roots and sprouts Water, Dirt Hot region fruits, Grass, Water, Sticks, Wood, Mushrooms, Leaves, Bark, roots and sprouts 50
Garden bed 1 x 1 2 Bark, roots and sprouts, 2 Sticks Water, Dirt Grass, Fruits, Vegetables, Bark, roots and sprouts 36
Grass plant 1 x 1 2 Bark, roots and sprouts Water, Dirt Grass, Vegetables, Fruits, Cereal 4
Cactus 1 x 1 2 Bark, roots and sprouts Water, Dirt Sticks, Fruits, Vegetables, Bark, roots and sprouts, Water 49
Bush 1 x 1 2 Bark, roots and sprouts Water, Dirt Sticks, Fruits, Leaves, Bark, roots and sprouts 5
none Waterfall streamlet 1 x 1 - 7
none Spring streamlet 1 x 1 24
none Plain streamlet 1 x 1 - 6
none Construction site 1 x 1 - 18
4 Beehive 1 x 1 20 Sticks, 2 Furniture, 4 Wood, 1 Cutted stone, 10 Pottery Honey and wax 84
5 Winery 2 x 2 40 Cutted stone, 20 Stone block, 20 Wood, 20 Plank, 6 Furniture, 20 Pottery Fruits, Hot region fruits, Honey and wax Wine 93
5 Treasury 2 x 3 20 Plank, 25 Furniture, 60 Cutted stone, 30 Stone block, 10 Stone work, 20 Iron part 92
5 Barber Surgery 2 x 2 60 Plank, 30 Stone block, 4 Iron tool, 10 Bronze part, 10 Iron part, 20 Rag Treatments 91
5 Weaving Mill 2 x 3 100 Sticks, 200 Wood, 10 Furniture, 6 Rag, 60 Cutted stone, 4 Iron part Grass, Wool Rag 90
5 Statue 1x 1 30 Sticks, 40 Wood, 20 Cutted stone, 20 Plank 89
4 Harbour 3 x 3 220 Wood, 250 Plank, 120 Cutted stone, 30 Stone block, 25 Bronze part, 15 Iron tool, 25 Rag 88
None Rock of the ancestors 2 x 2 87
6 Restaurant 2 x 3 60 Plank, 20 Furniture, 10 Bronze part, 4 Iron tool, 40 Stone block, 20 Stone work, 40 Pottery, 20 Rag Raw meat, Fire wood, Bread, Honey and wax, Vegetables, Fruits, Hot region fruits, Mushrooms, Dairy product, Wine Cooked meat, Bread, Honey and wax, Vegetables, Fruits, Mushrooms, Dairy product, Wine 86
6 Apothecary 2 x 2 30 Plank, 6 Furniture, 10 Stone block, 6 Stone work, 3 Glasswork, 16 Pottery, 2 Practical clothes, 2 Iron tool Fire wood, Honey and wax, Grass Medicine 85
4 Stone street 1 x 1 2 Raw stone, 1 Stone block 2
none Mud street 1 x 1 - 1
2 Root cellar 2 x 1 80 Sticks, 40 Wood, 10 Plank Fruits, Hot region fruits, Vegetables Fruits, Hot region fruits, Vegetables 98
4 Butcher shop 3 x 2 60 Sticks, 20 Cutted stone, 10 Stone block, 20 Plank, 6 Furniture Raw meat, Fire wood, Grass, Leaves Preserved meat 97
2 Wind catcher tower 1 x 1 20 Sticks, 10 Wood, 10 Pottery Water 96
1 Finn torch 1 x 1 4 Wood Wood 95
3 Sweeping station 1 x 1 4 Wood, 2 Rag, 20 Wood, 25 Sticks Dirt Dirt 94

Cell side

Tier Page Cost Size ID
none High wooden fence 1 x 0 1 Sticks 0
none High wooden gate 1 x 0 1 Sticks, 1 Wood 2
none Stone fence 1 x 0 1 Cutted stone 3
none High lantern 1 x 0 - 4
none Small lantern 1 x 0 - 5
none Wooden torch 1 x 0 - 1
none Packages 1 x 0 1 Wood 7
none Secured gate 1 x 0 2 Stone block, 4 Plank, 2 Bronze part 8
none Side construction 1 x 1 - 6
none Construction modification 1 x 1 - 9

Resource acquisition
Beehive  •  Big barn  •  Bloomery  •  Deep well  •  Farm  •  Fishery  •  Fishing place  •  Foresters hut  •  Foresters stump  •  Gatherers shack  •  Glassworks  •  Hunters hut  •  Simple barn  •  Simple pottery  •  Simple smelter  •  Simple stonemason  •  Stonemason's shop  •  Well  •  Winery
Big burrow  •  Big cabin  •  Homes  •  Residency  •  Small cabin  •  Small hut
Apothecary  •  Barber Surgery  •  Big bathhouse  •  Cesspit  •  Church  •  Community centre  •  Dome  •  Finn torch  •  Fireplace  •  Guild house  •  Harbour  •  Hearty kitchen  •  Market place  •  Monastery  •  Restaurant  •  Shrine  •  Statue  •  Sweeping station  •  Taproom  •  Wash house  •  Wind catcher tower
Cell side
High lantern  •  High wooden fence  •  High wooden gate  •  Packages  •  Secured gate  •  Small lantern  •  Stone fence  •  Weir  •  Wooden torch
Broadleaf  •  Bush  •  Cactus  •  Conifer  •  Fruit tree  •  Garden bed  •  Grass plant  •  Palm  •  Wheat field  •  Wild wheat
Combinations  •  Copper deposit  •  Elements  •  Inflow  •  Iron deposit  •  Lead deposit  •  Category:Ore  •  Outflow  •  Plain  •  Plain streamlet  •  Quarry  •  Category:River  •  Category:Rock  •  Spring  •  Spring streamlet  •  Stones  •  Category:Streamlet  •  Tin deposit  •  Waterfall  •  Waterfall streamlet