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Perfect to build more advanced things!
Basic Info
Category Material
TYP 17
ID 50331665
Weight 12000 g
Value 9.0
Hint Tradeable

Uses in structures

Building Construction Cost Production Input Production Output
Simple pottery 10 Plank, 2 Rag, 20 Sticks, 20 Wood, 10 Cutted stone Fire wood, Water Pottery
Simple barn 4 Plank, 40 Grass, 30 Sticks, 20 Wood Grass, Leaves, Bark, roots and sprouts, Water Raw meat, Wool, Milk, Leather
Well 1 Plank, 4 Sticks, 5 Wood, 10 Cutted stone Water Water
Farm 100 Sticks, 10 Rag, 40 Plank, 80 Wood, 200 Grass Fruits, Hot region fruits, Grass, Bark, roots and sprouts, Cereal, Water, Dirt Fruits, Hot region fruits, Grass, Bark, roots and sprouts, Cereal grain
Fishery 80 Sticks, 60 Wood, 40 Plank, 8 Stone block Flour, Vegetables, Trout Minor aquatic organisms, Raw meat
Foresters hut 40 Wood, 20 Plank, 40 Grass, 10 Cutted stone, 6 Stone block, 3 Furniture Leaves, Wood, Mushrooms, Sticks Leaves, Wood, Mushrooms, Sticks
Glassworks 10 Wood, 20 Plank, 4 Rag, 10 Stone block, 10 Cutted stone, 80 Pottery Fire wood, Wood, Coal, Cutted stone, Lead bar Glasswork
Stonemason's shop 100 Sticks, 10 Rag, 100 Wood, 50 Plank, 10 Cutted stone Raw stone, Cutted stone, Stone block Cutted stone, Stone block, Stone work
Deep well 4 Plank, 10 Cutted stone, 2 Bronze part, 12 Stone block Water Water
Sawing place 8 Sticks, 8 Wood, 1 Cutted stone Wood, Sticks Fire wood, Plank
Carpenter's workshop 20 Sticks, 40 Wood, 10 Plank, 40 Grass, 8 Cutted stone Plank Furniture
Bakery 30 Sticks, 40 Wood, 20 Cutted stone, 20 Plank Flour, Fire wood, Raw meat Bread, Meat in batter
Coppers and bronze forge 20 Sticks, 50 Wood, 20 Plank, 4 Rag, 30 Cutted stone Copper bar, Tin bar, Wood Bronze part, Bronze tool
Iron forge 10 Stone block, 50 Wood, 20 Plank, 4 Rag, 4 Bronze part, 40 Cutted stone Iron bar, Coal, Quality clothes Iron part, Iron tool, Iron weapon
Sawmill 100 Sticks, 10 Rag, 200 Wood, 100 Plank, 100 Stones, 10 Bronze part Wood Fire wood, Plank
Windmill 200 Sticks, 60 Rag, 200 Wood, 60 Plank, 20 Cutted stone Cereal grain Flour
Dressmaker 40 Sticks, 200 Grass, 50 Wood, 30 Plank, 10 Cutted stone Practical clothes, Rag, Bronze part, Iron part Quality clothes, Fancy clothes
Small cabin 10 Plank, 4 Rag, 100 Grass, 30 Wood, 2 Cutted stone
Residency 40 Pottery, 8 Stone work, 4 Quality clothes, 10 Furniture, 60 Plank, 30 Stone block
Guild house 80 Wood, 20 Cutted stone, 20 Plank, 100 Sticks, 10 Pottery
Cesspit 6 Wood, 2 Plank, 12 Sticks Dirt Dirt
Wash house 20 Sticks, 20 Wood, 20 Plank, 8 Rag, 10 Cutted stone, 4 Furniture Dirt Hygiene
Church 60 Pottery, 20 Stone work, 4 Quality clothes, 20 Furniture, 60 Plank, 10 Bronze jewellery Bread, Honey and wax Church services
Monastery 60 Pottery, 20 Stone work, 4 Quality clothes, 20 Furniture, 60 Plank, 10 Bronze jewellery Bread Blessing
Dome 600 Pottery, 200 Stone work, 40 Quality clothes, 200 Furniture, 600 Plank, 60 Bronze jewellery Bread, Honey and wax Church services
Big bathhouse 400 Pottery, 300 Stone work, 60 Quality clothes, 100 Furniture, 400 Plank, 500 Stone block Dirt Bath
Weir 20 Sticks, 8 Wood, 4 Plank, 4 Cutted stone
Secured gate 2 Stone block, 4 Plank, 2 Bronze part
Tailors shop 40 Sticks, 200 Grass, 50 Wood, 30 Plank, 10 Cutted stone Grass, Wool, Leather, Rag, Basic clothes Rag, Basic clothes, Practical clothes
Winery 40 Cutted stone, 20 Stone block, 20 Wood, 20 Plank, 6 Furniture, 20 Pottery Fruits, Hot region fruits, Honey and wax Wine
Treasury 20 Plank, 25 Furniture, 60 Cutted stone, 30 Stone block, 10 Stone work, 20 Iron part
Barber Surgery 60 Plank, 30 Stone block, 4 Iron tool, 10 Bronze part, 10 Iron part, 20 Rag Treatments
Statue 30 Sticks, 40 Wood, 20 Cutted stone, 20 Plank
Harbour 220 Wood, 250 Plank, 120 Cutted stone, 30 Stone block, 25 Bronze part, 15 Iron tool, 25 Rag
Restaurant 60 Plank, 20 Furniture, 10 Bronze part, 4 Iron tool, 40 Stone block, 20 Stone work, 40 Pottery, 20 Rag Raw meat, Fire wood, Bread, Honey and wax, Vegetables, Fruits, Hot region fruits, Mushrooms, Dairy product, Wine Cooked meat, Bread, Honey and wax, Vegetables, Fruits, Mushrooms, Dairy product, Wine
Apothecary 30 Plank, 6 Furniture, 10 Stone block, 6 Stone work, 3 Glasswork, 16 Pottery, 2 Practical clothes, 2 Iron tool Fire wood, Honey and wax, Grass Medicine
Root cellar 80 Sticks, 40 Wood, 10 Plank Fruits, Hot region fruits, Vegetables Fruits, Hot region fruits, Vegetables
Butcher shop 60 Sticks, 20 Cutted stone, 10 Stone block, 20 Plank, 6 Furniture Raw meat, Fire wood, Grass, Leaves Preserved meat

Used by animals or humans

Bark, roots and sprouts  •  Bread  •  Cereal  •  Cereal grain  •  Cooked meat  •  Dairy product  •  Egg  •  Flour  •  Food  •  Fruits  •  Grass  •  Honey and wax  •  Hot region fruits  •  Leaves  •  Meat in batter  •  Minor aquatic organisms  •  Mushrooms  •  Preserved meat  •  Raw meat  •  Vegetables
Drinks  •  Milk  •  Water  •  Wine
Bronze part  •  Clay  •  Coal  •  Copper bar  •  Copper ore  •  Cutted stone  •  Fire wood  •  Furniture  •  Glasswork  •  Iron bar  •  Iron ore  •  Iron part  •  Lead bar  •  Lead ore  •  Leather  •  Material  •  Pottery  •  Raw stone  •  Sticks  •  Stone block  •  Stone work  •  Tin bar  •  Tin ore  •  Wood  •  Wool
Basic clothes  •  Bronze armour  •  Bronze jewellery  •  Bronze tool  •  Bronze weapon  •  Equipment  •  Fancy clothes  •  Iron armour  •  Iron tool  •  Iron weapon  •  Practical clothes  •  Quality clothes  •  Rag  •  Shiver