Construction Cost
Production Input
Production Output
Small hut
100 Grass, 10 Sticks
Gatherers shack
20 Sticks, 10 Wood
Grass, Cereal, Bark, roots and sprouts, Fruits, Vegetables, Hot region fruits
Grass, Cereal grain, Bark, roots and sprouts, Fruits, Vegetables, Hot region fruits
Hunters hut
100 Grass, 60 Sticks, 80 Wood, 40 Cutted stone
Leather, Wool, Raw meat
Simple barn
4 Plank, 40 Grass, 30 Sticks, 20 Wood
Grass, Leaves, Bark, roots and sprouts, Water
Raw meat, Wool, Milk, Leather
100 Sticks, 10 Rag, 40 Plank, 80 Wood, 200 Grass
Fruits, Hot region fruits, Grass, Bark, roots and sprouts, Cereal, Water, Dirt
Fruits, Hot region fruits, Grass, Bark, roots and sprouts, Cereal grain
Foresters hut
40 Wood, 20 Plank, 40 Grass, 10 Cutted stone, 6 Stone block, 3 Furniture
Leaves, Wood, Mushrooms, Sticks
Leaves, Wood, Mushrooms, Sticks
Big barn
30 Wood, 40 Grass, 20 Cutted stone, 4 Stone block, 2 Furniture
Grass, Cereal grain, Leaves, Water
Wool, Leather, Milk, Raw meat
Rudimentary tailoring table
10 Sticks, 15 Grass, 10 Wood
Grass, Wool, Leather, Rag
Rag, Basic clothes
Carpenter's workshop
20 Sticks, 40 Wood, 10 Plank, 40 Grass, 8 Cutted stone
Charcoal pile
80 Sticks, 10 Wood, 6 Cutted stone
Wood, Sticks, Leaves, Grass
40 Sticks, 200 Grass, 50 Wood, 30 Plank, 10 Cutted stone
Practical clothes, Rag, Bronze part, Iron part
Quality clothes, Fancy clothes
Small cabin
10 Plank, 4 Rag, 100 Grass, 30 Wood, 2 Cutted stone
Community centre
80 Wood, 80 Cutted stone, 200 Grass, 50 Sticks, 10 Rag
Market place
20 Wood, 10 Cutted stone, 60 Grass, 60 Sticks, 10 Rag
Tradeable items
Tradeable items
Mushroom circle
Water, Dirt
Mushrooms, Grass
Tailors shop
40 Sticks, 200 Grass, 50 Wood, 30 Plank, 10 Cutted stone
Grass, Wool, Leather, Rag, Basic clothes
Rag, Basic clothes, Practical clothes
Wild wheat
2 Bark, roots and sprouts
Water, Dirt
Grass, Cereal
Wheat field
2 Bark, roots and sprouts
Water, Dirt
Grass, Cereal
2 Bark, roots and sprouts
Water, Dirt
Hot region fruits, Grass, Water, Sticks, Wood, Mushrooms, Leaves, Bark, roots and sprouts
Garden bed
2 Bark, roots and sprouts, 2 Sticks
Water, Dirt
Grass, Fruits, Vegetables, Bark, roots and sprouts
Grass plant
2 Bark, roots and sprouts
Water, Dirt
Grass, Vegetables, Fruits, Cereal
Weaving Mill
100 Sticks, 200 Wood, 10 Furniture, 6 Rag, 60 Cutted stone, 4 Iron part
Grass, Wool
30 Plank, 6 Furniture, 10 Stone block, 6 Stone work, 3 Glasswork, 16 Pottery, 2 Practical clothes, 2 Iron tool
Fire wood, Honey and wax, Grass
Butcher shop
60 Sticks, 20 Cutted stone, 10 Stone block, 20 Plank, 6 Furniture
Raw meat, Fire wood, Grass, Leaves
Preserved meat