Buildings, plants, streets and decorations can be placed as construction sites in the game world that will be built by your citizens when they have the time and resources. Learn how with this guide.
How to build
Construction window
The building window is divided in:
- Left: Building category;
- Centre: Buildings;
- Right: Details
The buildings are grouped by their complexity. Start with I.
The window can be expanded and collapsed using the button at the top right.
Placing construction sites
Select a building and click on a suited area on the map. Use R to rotate the buildings. Use TAB to get visual alternatives for this building.
- Tip 1: Do not place too many buildings at once. Your villagers need resources and time to build them!
- Tip 2: Check where the entrances are to the buildings.
Hire workers
It is possible to hire workers to construct the target. But it is done automatically as well by faction members when they have time.
Mud Streets
Use the Path tool in the bottom bar.
Deconstruct Buildings
In the window of each building you can deconstruct it by pressing the deconstruct icon on the top.
Remove Mofifications & Side Objects
With the Deconstruct tool in the bottom bar you're able to remove object such as paths and decorations.