Create, import or export maps

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In Of Life and Land you can combine different maps to new scenarios, even maps from your current play through. This way you can even add new maps or maps from friends to your current game and continue playing.

Add a new map to your scenario

The map "Wasteland.bin" is copied from the scenario Veltheim to the scenario Kerzoven.

First, copy each map into the scenario folder you wish to add.

  • The maps have the ending .bin and the scenario folder usually is next to the executables "\Saves\YourScenario".
  • In steam you can find the executables by right clicking on the game in the library: Manage: Browse local files. The path usually is "\Steam\steamapps\common\Circle of Kerzoven\Saves\YourScenario"
  • To create a new map, follow the world editor tutorial.
  • If you want to get maps from your savegames, you can find the map files directly in subfolders of the scenario "\Saves\YourScenario\YourSavegame".

As a next step, open the editor and connect the new map to the other maps.

Rename, remove or replace a map

As long as your map is not linked to the new scenario you can rename or delete it if you like. As soon as you open the scenario and save it again it is linked and expected to be there. You can always replace the map with another map with no issues.

If you want to delete or rename the map, you need to delete or rename the entry in "UsedMaps" in "WorldDescription.json" as a minimum. Ideally you also delete / rename the "Connections" list in "WorldDescription.json" and the "Exploration" state in the "MissionDescription.Json" to be fully compatible. Of course, if you referenced the map specifically in the scenario for quests, you needs to adjust the map as well.